We’re Digging In to Beat COVID-19

Beating COVID-19 is a community effort — it takes each of us doing our part. And as a neighbor to many of you, Southeastern is committed to keeping our people, customers, and community protected.
Here are the steps we’re taking to help you during this unprecedented time:
- Social Distancing: We’re not accepting customers inside our lobbies, but we are still committed to providing great service through the services below.
- Updated Hours: Our most vulnerable customers are invited to shop from 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. before we open for all customers at 9 a.m.
- Curbside Pickup: Take advantage of curbside pickup by calling the branch ahead of time. Upon arrival, our team will place your order in your trunk/truck bed. We can also take credit card payments when you place your order.
- Free Shipping: We’re offering free standard ground shipping on parts orders over $100 and under 15 pounds (excluding hazardous materials like paint, oil, aerosol products, etc.).
- Reduced Pricing: We’ve lowered CASE pricing on parts like filters, batteries, belts, lubricants, and off the shelf hydraulic hoses.
- Continued Service: In-shop, field, and emergency service is still available. To request service, please contact your local branch or call 800-798-5438.
- Payment Options: Credit card payments can be made over the phone by calling the branch or by calling AR at the corporate office (Cambridge branch). Checks can be mailed to the corporate office at PO BOX 536, Cambridge, OH 43725.
- Contract Flexibility: We can use an online program, DocuSign, to complete contracts and other paperwork electronically. Our friendly team will let you know if documents cannot be done electronically and require original signatures.
- Work From Home: We’re encouraging team members to work from home when possible, so your branch may be missing some familiar faces. But don’t worry, our sales team is still making and receiving calls!
Thank you for your flexibility as we learn and adapt through these uncertain times. We’ll all get through this together!
— Your Southeastern Family